Exercise Reduces Fatigue In Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy

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From this Science Daily article, Exercise Reduces Fatigue In Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy:

“Supervised exercise programs that include high and low intense cardiovascular and resistance training can help reduce fatigue in patients with cancer who are undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy or treatment for advanced disease. The exercise training also improves patients' vitality, muscular strength, aerobic capacity and emotional well-being, according to research published on bmj.com.”

At  Austin TX Personal Trainers and at New Orleans Fitness Trainers we have had success working with recovering cancer patients. The recovery systems of these patients are fragile. They cannot stand long bouts of exercise. Our personal training sessions are short and designed to efficiently stimulate a change; we then give them plenty of time to recover.

I worked with one client through two bouts of cancer. When she first came in I told her we would build up slowly, but eventually she would be asked to do very demanding work. She replied, “If I can handle chemo I can handle this workout”. She handled it well, and became very strong. I think the fact she was strong helped her when she faced down cancer a second time. As Lance Armstrong once said, “Before I just lived now I live strong”.

This blog has also dealt with this subject in these blog posts:
Exercise for Women Living with Lymphedema
Weightlifting helps breast cancer survivors
Fatigue, Pain Affect All With Breast Cancer, Exercise After Diagnosis Helps
Healthy Diet, Exercise Might Lower Chances of Cancer's Return