High-intensity resistance training improves glycemic control

The conclusion from this study, High-intensity resistance training improves glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes.:

High-intensity progressive resistance training, in combination with moderate weight loss, was effective in improving glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes. Additional benefits of improved muscular strength and LBM identify high-intensity resistance training as a feasible and effective component in the management program for older patients with type 2 diabetes.

We have a client that confirms what this study suggests. He has lost fifty pounds in three years and has gone from three or four insulin shots down to one a day. He strength trains once a week and does regular aerobic activity.

The personal training sessions at Austin Personal Training and at New Orleans Personal Trainers are high intensity strength training sessions. This type of workout has been demonstrated to aid in the disposition of sugar, and the workout burns more calories than other forms of exercise because of the calories burned after the workout. Combining high intensity personal training sessions with regular aerobics activity can play a significant role in controlling diabetes.