Stella and Bella

Written by Personal trainer Amy Hard

Meet Stella and Bella, Our Furry Gym Friends

Kelly Personal Training is a fun place to be for a lot of reasons. Two of them are Stella and Bella who are often found hanging around the gym. Like many in Austin, most of us who work at Kelly Personal Training are dog lovers, so we enjoy having these two Cocker Spaniels within petting distance while we train our clients - they add a nice cozy feel to our little Northwest Austin neighborhood gym. Some of our clients have called our gym their “Cheers Bar”, because many are neighbors or have gotten to know each other over their years at the gym, and they like seeing each other during their workouts.

We have seen Stella and Bella diffuse some new clients’ nervous energy before their first workout more than a few times. People usually don’t know what to expect during their first workout with us because our program is unique and new to them, so the first time they come in to try out the free workout some are a little bit apprehensive. But Stella and Bella make people smile and feel more at ease. Most of the time they stay out of the way, lazily warming themselves on the comfy yellow couch, hoping to catch a ray of sunshine or some cuddles. If you bring a treat, they will be forever wiggling their little rear ends in your direction whenever you come in. Clients that are regular treat givers have been known to have a little company with them when they go to the changing room. The dogs seem to have good memories and rarely forget anyone who gives them a treat. Stella has even been known to do a few tricks for her treats.

Bella is the youngest and came from Austin Cocker Spaniel rescue. She has acclimated well to being around lots of different people. She and Stella get along like loving sisters and are a very cute sight to see curled up close together on the couch.

Feel free to stop by and check out the gym any time at all, even if just to say hi to Stella and Bella!